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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hi everyone (by everyone I mean my mom, my wife, and possibly my dad, who will probably be the only people that read this).

I've been wanting to start a blog for some time and I would like to welcome you to my inaugural posting. During this debut I just want to cover my goals and desires.

First, I just want to have an venue to share my opinions. It's arrogant to think that anyone would want to read my opinions. I know that. Heck, my kids don't even have to go through the effort of reading and they still don't care what my opinion is. At the same time that I want to share my opinions, I want to hear the opinions of others as well.

Here comes one of my desires... please feel free to share your opinion, but do so in a cordial manner. Do not blast me because we think differently. If I don't share your viewpoint it doesn't necessarily mean I'm wrong. Besides, if everyone agreed on everything life would be boring. I want to hear your side whether you agree or disagree. You may even change my mind.

Next, I want to cover topics that may make some people squeamish. If my topic offends you or makes you uneasy please understand that is not my intention... and don't blast me. If I tackle a topic that you feel may not agree with you then please just skip that blog. And be advised, I intend to go after the hard hitting subjects like politics, religion, and Van Halen versus Van Hagar. If there is a subject you'd like me to share my views on please ask. I am NOT promising I will cover every suggested topic. I'm a husband, father of four, full time Navy Chief, and my house needs more work than Obama's stimulus plan (ooh.. cheap shot), time is a precious comodity in my world. If I don't cover your topic, please don't blast me.

Are you seeing a pattern yet? No flame threads directed at me or others that post here. It's not that I'm not thick skinned. I can take pretty much anything you can dish out. However, I would like this to be an intelligent arena. I want thinkers with opinions and facts to come here. I'd like folks with opposing (and aligned) viewpoints to share ideas and thoughts. I just ask that we all be civilized. I'm looking for philosophers... not barbarians.

OK, so there is blog number one. Nothing terribly controversial. I'll try to continue to keep the tone light in the future, but I will speak my mind. I look forward to hearing from all three of you! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I happen to like and agree with what you say or write. Please keep it up
