My sincerest thanks to the gentleman from New York for providing me with a primo topic. As my three ardent followers know, I have been MIA for a while trying to change up My 2 Cents. The new format? Satire. Let’s give it shot, and of course your feedback, as always, is appreciated.
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Is that a banana in your pocket? |
So what can we say about Anthony Weiner? Well, for starters we can say he lives up to his name. Most notably, he has one. The only way his name could be more appropriate is if his first name was Seymour… or perhaps Abel. See people’s exhibit number one to the right. This is the photo he sent to an unknown woman on Twitter. Perhaps he was absent the day Christopher Lee resigned from the House of Representatives a whopping four months ago for sending a shirtless picture of himself via Gmail. Tony! Brainiak! The freakin’ election to replace Lee was two weeks ago… in YOUR state! How obtuse can you be? At least Lee had the guts to do what was right… he resigned (hint, hint). Of course, Lee only sent a picture of himself with no shirt... kind of like the one below of Weiner!!
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He gets Brazilians too! |
By the way, about the whole “it was a hacker” excuse… who bought that crap? No one, huh? Me neither, because to post something from Yfrog to Twitter via Facebook all on the same person’s accounts? That’s not hacking. That’s rocket science with a pinch of brain surgery. Regardless, the media weakly and obediently sprang to his defense.
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Ditz |
Then there is Nancy Pelosi who wants to know if he used Congressional resources or did anything else unethical. Um… Nancy? He sent a picture of his shlong to woman who was not his wife! Then he blamed Andrew Breitbart BY NAME for it, knowing full well he, himself, was the guilty - yes, guilty - party. Then, he called a reporter a “jack ass” to his face, on live TV for trying to get to the truth, or at least a straight answer. Oh, and this is “about” the sixth time he’s done it in the past three years. Which begs the question how many times has he done it all together? There is your unethical behavior Nancy… don’t hurt yourself digging for it. I guess it's better to waste a few hundred thousand dollars and the Congress’ time searching for the truth. Ditz.
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"Are you ladies on Twitter?" |
Fortunately Weiner assures us that he has never met with any of the women, but with his track record of honesty over the past week I am inclined to call shenanigans. You’re a liar, sir. Even if you are telling the truth about not having sex with them you lied to every American for over a week and we therefore do not believe you. By the way, by the Democratic Party’s definition “not having sex” means strictly oral (special thanks to W.J. Clinton for clearing that up). Weiner’s tearful apology can mean one of three things… 1) he’s a good actor, or 2) he saw the latest poll numbers for his 2013 New York City mayoral bid, or 3) his wife has threatened to remove the featured object of people’s exhibit number one.
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Why do you smell like cigars!? |
All in all I blame Hillary Clinton. After all, she drove Bill to go find the most unique humidor on Earth. Now she has driven her valet’s husband (yes, Huma Abedin, Weiner's wife, is Hillary's personal valet) to Tweet his meat. Heaven help us if she pushes Barney Frank over the edge…
Nicely done! One does have to wonder if it is New York that causes such behavior or the change in atmosphere the Clintons brought with them when Hillary became their Senator? Or maybe since Mrs. Clinton was busy in DC, it can be contributed to the unsupervised activities of Mr. Clinton while the cat was away eating Congresses canary.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...This is superb, Mike!!! Hilarious, and sadly, all too true. You should try to get this published!!
ReplyDeleteThe biggest issue I see is a)that he was married at the time so it shows a lack of ethics and b)he lied about it happening. It cuts his credibility. Then again he is a politician and you know what they say about politicians... "How do you know they are lying? Their mouth is moving!"
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I feel he only married his wife for purely political reasons. He obviously wasn't ready to be married if he had the urge to do what he did. I don't know all of what he did, but from what I understand, "to each his own". I'm not going to judge him for sending the pics he did (its not like he had physical contact with them so is it really cheating?). He should of been smart enough to do it anonymously at least!
To Anonymous above: Deliberately seeking out women via FB, Twitter, etc. and flirting w/them IS cheating--it's 'an affair of the heart', which often times, is even worse than having a physical relationship. Your final comment,"He should of been smart enough to do it anonymously at least" proves that what he dd was wrong. If he has to hide the behavior/relationships from his wife, it's inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteSince everyone is making moral pronouncements here, let me give it a shot.
Just another story about getting screwed.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
ReplyDeleteFrank, I have to assume from your reply that you are not happy with my latest blog. For that I’m sorry, but you can’t please all the people all the time. Look at Obama… If you have a minute though, I’d like to comment on your link although it has absolutely nothing to do with Captain Underoo (yes, I’m on to your liberal ploy of changing topics while no one is looking to try to somehow devalue or disprove an apple with an orange).
Ready? Here we go…
If you look at the blog I posted above you will see what I like to refer to as “facts.” These “facts” can be verified on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Politico, Huffington Post, Red State, etc. Bipartisan coverage of the same embarrassing member of Congress… Get it!? “Member!” Now on the flip side of that coin you have posted what I call “propaganda.” Your “propaganda” is from a liberal source who claims there is no corporate money… yet has advertising. Hmm… Ah yes, propaganda, those little pieces of information teeter between fact and fantasy. In this case your article leans heavily toward fantasy. Well, let’s be honest, it collapsed into the fantasy realm where David Bowie is at this moment singing to it while fondling a crystal orb.
I have to ask up front if you’ve read the Ryan-Nunes Health Care Reform Bill. If you have then this next part will be really hard for you… show me where the plan cuts Veteran’s health care. Here, I’ll try to help you a little, the word “Veteran” appears on the following pages: 4, 5, 10, 57 (twice), and 244 (seven times). Happy hunting.
As long as I am here actually providing “facts” let me chuck this little nugget out there (pp 244-245).
Beginning not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs may—
(1) permit veterans, and survivors and dependents of veterans, who are eligible for health care and services under the laws administered by the Secretary to receive such care and services through such non-Department of Veterans Affairs providers and facilities as the Secretary may approve for purposes of this section; and
(2) pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of Veteran Affairs shall prescribe for purposes of this section, make payments to such providers and facilities for the provision of such care and services to veterans, and such survivors and dependents, at such rates as the Secretary may specify in such procedures and in such manner so that the Secretary ensures that the aggregate payments made by the Secretary to such providers and facilities do not exceed the aggregate amounts which the Secretary would have paid for such care and services if this section had not been enacted.
No dead veteran’s here. Sorry. I know you were hoping for a sequel to that classy video of “Ryan” throwing a disabled senior citizen off a cliff. No what this does is allow the VA to privatize medical treatment to veterans ON THE VA’S DIME! I got news for you… they’ve been doing this for YEARS! How do you think a vet in North BFE, Montana gets seen? This would open it up to more of us. I for one would volunteer for it because the dirty little secret neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will tell you is this…
Government managed health care SUCKS!
Here is MY link
By the way, in case you’ve missed the news… YOUR party is making moral pronouncements, too.
Thanks for chiming in!
Great article! Digging the new tone! I'll dig it even more when we disagree on something and we can have a jolly ol' round of witty repartee. Keep fighting the good fight!
ReplyDelete~Jeff M. Lewis