I have been pondering for some time; what are the biggest obstacles that face our nation? I have decided to blog on what are, in my opinion, the three largest hurdles our society must overcome.
Number Three – Political Infighting
Slanderous allegations, name calling, finger pointing, and obstructionism – all hallmarks of our current political system. Sadly, they all do it… Democrats and Republicans, Representatives and Senators, males and females, black or white, wrong or right. Even the President is guilty of hypocritical censure and blame. In fact, since he is the leader of the free world, perhaps I should say, “Particularly the President is guilty.”
Making this issue worse is the flip side of the coin… the blind allegiance shown to people, party and issues. I understand that like-minded people agree more often than not, but it seems too often lately that our leaders (I use that term loosely in some cases) vote the party line, but when questioned are not familiar with the details of the issue. Uninformed acceptance is as reprehensible as condemnation without knowing the facts.
All one has to do to have this point clarified is watch campaign ads. The candidates rarely speak to what their ideals and morals are, and instead we are bombarded with smear campaigns full of slanderous allegations, name calling, finger pointing, and obstructionism (why does that sound familiar) – getting the winner ready for life on Capitol Hill. Even debates contain as much character assassination as they do candidate clarification.
Until politicians learn to function in the spirit of cooperation and healthy, honest debate we will not see any improvement. Until each elected official thinks and questions and votes their own mind we will continue down the same road we are on with one party winning power and the loser undermining their efforts until the tables are turned and the cycle begins anew. No one can win in the current political environment… least of all the American people. With that said...
!!!Breaking news!!!
You heard it here first… Until such time that I feel that Republicans as a whole are acting in the best interest of America and their constituency (not themselves, and especially not their campaign contributors) I hereby renounce my affiliation with the Republican Party. I am now a conservative Independent. Not to say I will not vote for Republicans, but I have been known to vote for Democrats, so that was never a given.
Number Two – The Media
A free press is essential in a Republic. Our Forefathers took steps to ensure that the government would not be allowed to censor the press (not to say it hasn’t happened). In short,
“Congress shall make no law […] abridging the freedom […] of the press.”
Amen. Awesome. I completely agree with this. However, I need someone to show me where I can find a couple of things I’m clearly not seeing in that sentence.
1. Where does it say that the press is not accountable for the information they report? I am sick to death of multiple reports on multiple stations all second guessing what is really happening, with the actual details not becoming known until hours, days, even weeks later. Report the “FACTS”, not the speculations or guesses. If you aren’t sure then don’t say anything. This is the first problem when you entrust a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry to be ethical. When money becomes the bottom line and not the story then accuracy isn’t important. Another problem is that once copious amounts of money (and therefore corruption) are added to the equation you can give up on even getting unbiased, untainted story. Facts be damned, we have to get this on the air and sensationalize it!
2. Where does it say that the freedom of the press supersedes the rights of individuals? Freedom of the press was guaranteed to provide unhindered oversight of the government and the people running it. It was not created to guarantee a tabloid’s right to invade a person’s life and make their personal affairs public. Matt Lauer’s affair, Mary-Kate Olsen’s anorexia, and how Heath Ledger’s sister is dealing with his death are not issues that I feel should fall under the purview of Freedom of the Press.
Here are a couple of ideas that I think should be explored with regards to the press: 1) The press should not be permitted to pay for information. If you incentivize providing information there are people that will either fabricate a story or share details they have no legal right to share. 2) No press agency should be allowed to secure (buy) exclusive rights to a story. This infringes on other press organizations’ rights not to mention it provides for no oversight on the claimant agency’s reporting. 3) The press should have to respect the privacy and wishes of victims and their families. If the family says no comment, that means leave the street. 4) Paparazzi should be subject to trespassing, stalking, and peeping laws… and those laws should be enforced.
That’s good for starters. Here are a couple of parting thoughts on this subject…
The right to bear arms is not a right to use them indiscriminately; and
The pen is mightier than the sword.
The government is flirting with taking away our weapons because people use them irresponsibly… what makes the press think their pens are safe?
Number One – American Mindset
Yep… us. Not all of us, mind you. In fact, I sincerely believe that fundamentally Americans are good people. Truth be told, that is my outlook on humans in general.
However, our country has a sickeningly overdeveloped sense of entitlement. The poor think they should have what the rich have, and the rich think they are above the law. Commercials (which provide the multi-billion-dollar-a-year paycheck to the media) and magazines tell us what we need to own – and we listen. Banks offer us lines of credit that encourage us to spend more than we should – and we happily pay a 20% APR for the “privilege”. The government rewards us for spending on credit, and if you spend too much then government steps in as your financial priest and absolves you of your sins (debts). We are a nation of conspicuous spenders and the powers that be want it that way. They’ll even give you money if you don’t have a job. (Note: If you pay people to be lazy, you will breed laziness.)
The side effect of this is that we have become so engrossed in ourselves we have forgotten to monitor our keepers. When we occasionally do take notice we fall victim our television-induced, 15-minute attention span. Our government has grown past the point of corruption. They are now telling you what you need, dictating what you can (and more importantly can NOT) have, and if you are hard-working and successful they force you to share the fruits of your labor. (Note: If you penalize hard work, you breed laziness.)
We have also forgotten what being a society means. When Pearl Harbor was bombed every man, woman and child pitched in to help, when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded almost no one stepped up to help. Everyone expects someone else to do it, no matter what “it” is. For God’s sake, we walk past trash on our own streets and then complain that it’s dirty. But then again, what do we expect, we’re breeding laziness.
And most of America has forgotten how to think. It pains me to say that, but it’s true. Websites are dedicated to railing against BP. The talking heads (the press again) tell us to hold BP solely responsible. It’s funny that the rig belonged to Houston-based Transocean and BP was just leasing it. I realize BP made demands on the rig, but if I hire a taxi and tell the driver to go 150 miles per hour I’m going to get a one-finger salute. American’s lived, worked and died on that rig. It’s truly tragic. But some of those Americans took the short-cuts that led to this disaster. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that the actions of the crew lead to the deaths and the oil spill.
We are becoming lazier, greedier and dumber every day. But I have some great news. This condition is completely reversible. There is a cure. Here is your prescription America…
Take action.
Get involved.
Hold others accountable.
Hold YOURSELF accountable.
Smile at everyone (even your reflection).
Be frugal.
A friend of mine put it very well, “The world is run by those who show up.”
ReplyDeleteWell said. I too a while back said I will now consider myself conservative independent. It all revolves around their politics because its their job and wallet and they could care less about us. It is even more evident since Obama became president. I feel like putting my head between my legs and kissing by butt goodbye to america and what we are suppose to be.
I have to say I'm so dissappointed in our government. I can not trust any of them they are so greedy and love to spend. Now with the oil spill. They are more worried about how much they can squeese from the oil company. How about just taking care of things. The anointed one stops all drilling, than claims bp should pay for all lost wages, All they want is money in their pockets. I do believe that it will go in their pockets! This government is killing America and how can we really have a AMERICA for our grandkids. Don't see it. Michael why are you not running for senate or something, you would be good at this.