Alright, let me start by saying I'm sorry. I am looooooong winded. I'm going to work on that. From here on out the goal will be posts that are 3 paragraphs or less. The end result will hopefully be a little more feedback (hint, hint) and allow me to cover more topics as it takes a considerable amount of time to write the novelettes I'm currently posting. So for those of you that stuck it out with me, thanks and hopefully future blogs will be less painful. With that said... the leader of the Unites States is stepping down!
It's true, she announced it a few days ago. Yes... "she." Hillary Clinton has announced she is done after this term as Secretary of State. Although it seemed Obama tried to keep her "out of sight, out of mind" at the beginning of his presidency, she has emerged as not only an above average Secretary of State, but she has been more presidential than BHO for some time now. I don't blame her for stepping down, she has to be exhausted hitting 5+ countries a day (while BHO heads of to Brazil).
On the flip side, I feel that as the weeks go by BHO becomes more and more below average. He is inconsistent. Egypt protests - "Mubarak has to go." Libya protests - "Qaddafi has to go." (And he waffled for days before having the guts to say Qaddafi's name.). Bahrain - "They should be more civil." Yemen - "Group hug!" Iran - *crickets* Also, it appears he can't prioritize. Japanese disaster trifecta (quake, tsunami, reactor) - Golf and NCAA picks. Crashing economy - golf. Oil rig explosion/oil spill - golf, vacation x3. Skyrocketing unemployment - golf, golf, vacation, golf, party, golf. (Hmm.. maybe he IS consistent). Immigration woes - let Mexican president (who has more strict border policies on his southern border than Arizona is proposing on theirs) bash the US and its policies in the Rose Garden.
It's time for BHO to stop voting present. As the president of the most powerful (for now anyway) country on Earth he needs to be leading. He always seems to give the impression of following if not just complete indifference. When France is setting the pace for military actions we need to take a serious look at what is transpiring. My overall take on Obama is that when anything transpires outside the norm he is overwhelmed and looking to everyone else for guidance. He needs to get Hillary to mentor him before she leaves.
Random thought... I realize we can't target the leader of another country, but we should be able to target a Colonel in their military. Right?
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Great Article, I agree with 99.9%. I feel BHO should step down, or be Impeached. When the going gets tuff. BHO gets out of town.
ReplyDeleteI would suggest looking at his motivations. I see Obama as trying to be too middle of the road, not trying to upset independents and those that lean right (He knows he can never win the hard Right (or at least, I hope he does)). He appears to be playing for the next election than leading the country in his first term. He has been this way since taking office (Hence the mess called health care reform). He throws a few bones to the left, but I hope many of them see that those are small, small wins. Obama, the Dems, and the rank-and-file GOP politicians are still way too tied to corporations and their lobbyists. Mike in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteValid Mike, and very, very plausible. If that's the case, though, it flies in the face of his statement to Diane Sawyer a little over a year ago, “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” Of course I have always felt that was a stupid comment. Personally, I'd strive to be a great two-termer. At least he understands his limitations...
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mike. The biggest disappointment is the idea of accountability. What I liked about Obama was how he talked about bringing accountability to politics. I don't really care what the policies are; if we have universal health care, great! As long as someone is there to audit it and make sure it's not being abused and over-funded. If it's left to the free market, great! As long as someone is there to regulate it and not let insurance providers hike their rates by 40% in a year. And that someone should be the American people. I felt like Obama had the opportunity to return government to the people, but then, along with all the other do-gooders, fell in love with the fame and politics and whirlwind we can only imagine. Suddenly, he's not a risk-taker and only caters to the polls. Though, he's only taken a little over half the vacation that Bush took by this time, it's still getting a little much. I don't think he should step down. I think he should step it up and be what people wanted him to be. ~ Jeff
ReplyDeleteI disagree, Jeff. I sincerely believe Obama was chasing the allure of fame and power all along. He is a series of soundbites that are designed to sound thoughtful and fair and regal, but the underlying message is usually empty. Is he catering to the polls? Absolutely, but even if he was a "risk-taker" I am not at all confident he would have the first clue what to do. The "experts" he has surrounded himself with are not experts at all and seem more like they were chosen to represent a rainbow of colors, faiths and sexes rather than for their knowledge-base. His passive nature is not representative of the calm cool person the media loves to fawn over... it is a facade to hide the fact that he is completely out of his element. Even if he did know what to do he wouldn't as he avoids accountability like the plague, and when someone does have the unmitigated audacity to challenge him he only has one answer, "Bush."
ReplyDeleteYou know who he reminds me of? Lt. Dike from Band of Brothers - Bastogne. Always feigning boredom, hiding in his foxhole, and running away from the front line every chance he gets. All the while sending other people to take care of his responsibilities. But like I said, she is stepping down.