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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Alright, it's official.  The President of the United States of America is an American!  Finally, we can put that behind us.  Those of you who know me probably know my stance.  I am not a birther.  Truth be told I don’t consider whether he should be in office a problem, rather I feel the problem is that he is in office.  No I am not a birther, but I do feel that the birthers were asking a valid question that should have been addressed.  A question that could have, and should have, been answered long before today.  Instead, he waited two-and-a-half years to provide his proof1.

If I wanted to be a jerk I could point out that the certificate
number has been redacted and that the certificate
clearly states, "Any alterations invalidate this certificate."

Why today?  I don’t know the answer to that.  It could be to deflect attention from Ben Bernanke’s speech this afternoon.  It may be that the polls indicate that he is no longer gaining favorable press from the issue.  Maybe he’s just afraid of Donald Trump.  Whatever his reason for finally releasing the birth certificate I can tell you this, it’s not because he felt it was the right thing to do.  There is an ulterior motive here.  This is smoke and mirrors.

I could break down the entire speech and discredit nearly every comment he made with documented facts, but instead I want to leave you with this, dear reader.  The president closed with these comments, “We do not have time for this kind of silliness.  We’ve got better stuff to do.  I’ve got better stuff to do.”  He then boarded Air Force One for Chicago to shoot an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show.  From there he will go to New York to do three campaign fund raisers this evening2.  Yep, he’s got better stuff to do…

2 The President’s Schedule for 27 Apr 2011

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  1. Well said, Mike. I concur wholeheartedly.

  2. I agree whole heartedly, the President is a Natural Born US Citizen - that also happens to be a Douche-Bag!

  3. Don't hold back, John. Tell us how you feel! ;)
