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Thursday, September 1, 2011


The president needs a new secretary.  Supposedly the Obama administration had no idea that the Republicans had a primary debate scheduled for the exact same day and time the president wanted to speak to Congress.  If that is true then as Bob Schieffer said, "It's going to take a lot to convince me that the president's people did not know there was a Republican debate on the night that the president wanted to make that speech.  If they didn't know - the president's people didn't know - then I think it might be time for the president to get some new people."  You tell ‘em Bob!  Not bad for a liberal!

(If you get this joke you are old!)
Ed Shultz, once again making me happy he abandoned the political right (so his stupidity would not reflect on conservatives), tried to imply that Speaker Boehner off handedly rejected the president’s request to speak to Congress.  The implication from the MSLSD host was that Boehner was somehow disrespectful.  Here is Boehner’s response.  It looks pretty professional and respectful to me.  Schultz went on to say, “So the president takes the high road, and says, ‘OK, I’ll move it to Thursday night.’ ”  There is only one thing high here Ed, and that’s you.  No, what happened was the president took the only road.  He tried to pull a fast one, he got called on it, and he wisely (for once) backed down.  The truth is Ed, you don’t even believe the nonsense you’re spewing, but you have a reputation as a moron to uphold.  Job well done, you are a credit to morons everywhere.

Sadly, the caddies preferred their
unemployment benefits to actually
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, "Our intention was merely for the President to address a joint session as soon as possible."  Ok, “as soon as possible” could have been done any time between August 2nd, when the hoopla over the government shutdown (that never would have happened) ended, and August 23rd when BHO left for vacation.  In fact, if this thing is so important that a one day delay merits accusations from Ed Shultz that Republicans “don’t give a damn about you working folks in America,” why did Obama even go on vacation.  Where are his priorities?  By the way, did anyone else notice that the Earth quaked in applause when Obama left DC?  It also summoned a hurricane to cry rivers when he was ready to head back.

Wow, that IS transparent!
Heck, if it's imperative that this happen immediately, why didn’t he do it yesterday?  According to his schedule he didn’t do a darn thing after his 10:35 AM press briefing in the Rose Garden.  And I know for a fact his schedule is true and accurate, because this is the most transparent presidency ever.  After all, Obama promised us that.  Yeah, I know, Congress isn’t in session.  You get what I’m saying though.

I see... the same old crap.
The bottom line is there aren’t any surprises coming our way in the president’s jobs plan.  There is no new approach.  No magic fix.  No groundbreaking proposal.  In fact, here is my prediction for Obama’s upcoming finger pointing… er, I mean speech.  

  • He’ll want to implement, extend, and/or increase some tax (or taxes), targeting specifically the evil wealthy.
  • He’ll want to invest in (spend copious amounts on) “our” future (Son of the Son of Stimulus anyone?).  Thank goodness the debt ceiling was raised. 
  • He’ll send up a rally cry for bipartisan cooperation while slamming the GOP. 
  • He’ll tell us there are already bills waiting for approval and that the Congress just needs to do their job. 
  • He’ll tell us he can’t do this alone.  
  • He'll say "Make no mistake" and "Let me be clear" 172 times.
  • If we’re really lucky… we’ll get to hear how he “inherited” this problem.  I do love the classic “Bush did it” excuse. 
Waiting an extra day to hear the same thing Obama said after his vacation last year won’t bother me… honestly.  Actually, this speech will be a little different.  He'll be in full campaign mode this time, which is precisely why he wanted to be on at the same time as the GOP debate.  The truth as I see it is that he wanted America to hear him stumping... not the Republicans.

So what are the end results of these juvenile antics by the president and his staff?  As usual, a complete backfire.  First, he has just provided the Republicans with tens of millions of dollars’ worth of free advertising for the debate.  I doubt the average American was even aware of the upcoming debate until this silliness occurred.  By trying to block viewers from the GOP, he has most likely increased them.  Second, he has now put himself up against an NFL football game for viewers.  That's a no brainer… the president is going to lose that one.  Then again, maybe he doesn’t really want us to pay attention to him anymore.  It makes it hard to get away with crap when we’re looking.  And third, his office’s excuse was to plead ignorance.  Sadly, that’s probably the only honest thing his administration has said regarding this situation; they’re ignorant.

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