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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So the Republican candidates are tearing at each other’s throats. Well, only one of them is using that as his primary campaign strategy, but he’s probably going to win the nomination. Three terrible things are going to come from this infighting…

My advice to the GOP?
Quit hitting yourself!
First, Obama has a team of lackeys writing down every negative word uttered by one conservative candidate about another (by the way, that team is called the Lame, excuse me, I mean Main Stream Media who work free… but more on that in minute.) They are recording every statement, not for posterity but for prosperity… namely Obama’s. I guarantee you they are vetting every syllable for viability and usefulness. Obama probably has commercials in pre-production for every potential Republican opponent, and his team didn’t have to lift a finger to get the content. Essentially, the GOP is campaigning against itself.

My2Cents Exclusive! A secret
photo showing the Super Tuesday
strategy from the Romney camp.
Second, the money drain. How does negative campaigning work? Easy, I know something bad about you (actually, I just need to infer something bad about you) and then I pay millions of dollars to put it on TV, radio, and in print. Any accusations levied against the eventual Republican nominee will still be hanging there like a bean and broccoli fart in November. Basically, any candidate that uses mudslinging against his opponents is fueling O’s camp.

It is not about this...
There is a side effect of the money drain. I wasn't completely accurate earlier when I said the Main Stream Media works free. They are paid, and the sick, sad truth of it all is that Republican candidates are pumping money hand over fist into the organizations that have a proven historic track record of distorting coverage in favor of Obama. With each negative commercial aired, the GOP is funding O’s most potent and influential tool.

It's about this...
Now we get to the root of the problem as I see it. The third, and worst issue in the current campaign of debacles, is the “same team” factor. The condemnations between opponents are spilling over to their supporters. I am sick of hearing the Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum followers all make the statements, “Well, if my guy isn’t the nominee I won’t be voting in November,” or, “If [insert candidate name here] doesn’t win the nomination I’m voting third party.” Now listen, voting third party is NOT bad, unless you’re doing it simply to spite someone else. Regardless, all of the idle threats being made about the November election are going to derail the Republican nominee. The misinformed, idiotic sheeple that vote based on popularity and hearsay are listening to this confabulation and they are going to vote accordingly. The jackwagon who says, “If Santorum doesn’t win, I’m not voting for Romney,” almost undoubtedly will vote for Romney in November, yet he’s going to be befuddled by O’s sweeping victory.

And this...
We are on the same team, and by that I don’t mean Republicans (which I am not), I mean Americans. Our actions need to be such that they will protect and preserve America from what is currently happening.

The fact is that Gingrich, Santorum, and Romney would all do a better job than the current bozo*. So would Huntsman, Bachman, Perry, and Cain. Debate is fine. Supporting the candidate you feel is strongest is fine. Voting for the candidate that best represents your ideals is fine. However, threatening to boycott an election if your candidate doesn’t win the primary is stupid. We already have an uphill battle to get the present squatter out of office, don’t make it worse with empty threats that are going to come back to bite us in the butt.

And preventing this.
This election is not about you, me, or the ultimate GOP candidate. It’s about putting this nation in a position to begin to undo the damage of the past three years. Quit making it personal.

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* To all you Ron Paul supporters, he is not presidential material, but he would definitely make a good adviser, assuming his position has little to nothing to do with foreign policy. Besides, he can’t win the nomination at this point. That said, he would still do a better job as president than Obama.


  1. Harrumph! I wholeheartedly that the short-sighted WIIFM (or What's In It For Me) crowd need to put it all aside and focus on protecting OUR WAY OF LIFE instead of their political position. The whole thing makes a strong case for replacing anyone who has been in D.C. longer than it takes to see the memorials and take the Smithsonian tour, get some elected officials who might actually KNOW a constituent from someplace other than a $1,000 (or more) a plate speaking tour/fund raiser.

  2. Great words again Mike keep them coming. It is good to here a voice of reason.
