I’m sort of amazed, I actually have folks asking my opinion on yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling. Well, you should be careful what you ask for. Here is my take on things…
First, I’m incredibly disappointed. I was angry at first, but that solves nothing. I followed the hearings very closely, and (being as impartial as I can) I have to say the arguments against the Affordable Care Act were far more compelling, thought out, and logical than those in support of it, and the Solicitor General fumbled over himself trying to answer the Court’s questions. I will be the first to admit, “We just got our butts kicked,” when it happens. It did not happen last March… the case against the ACA was solid.
Second, in defense of the individual mandate, Chief Justice Roberts proclaimed it a tax. He neither declared what sort of tax it is, nor can he. Because it is not a tax, it is a penalty for not making a federally dictated (and therefore unconstitutional) purchase. It does not fall under any of the enumerated taxes, and I seem to remember the president vehemently telling Americans that it was NOT a tax. Congress didn’t call it a tax when they wrote it into the bill. It’s not called a tax anywhere before the hearing. In fact, on March 26 the point was made that if the mandate was a tax, under the Anti-Injunction Act it could not be heard until it had been imposed. In short, the case should have ended there if it was determined that the individual mandate was a tax. And for those of you who are still rolling your eyes at me, let me ask you this… how can the government TAX you on NOTHING? If you do not purchase health insurance, on what exactly are you being taxed? Roberts got it wrong. Horribly wrong. Sadly, this will be his legacy. This will be what he is remembered for in history books. A complete failure of justice.
Finally, Roberts says in the majority decision, “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.” That is a cop out and a completely idiotic statement. Of course that is not his job, but it is his job to protect us from illegitimate and unconstitutional laws. I did not vote for the people who wrote this ludicrous load of nonsense, so I need him to protect me from other people's political choices. He is here to protect ME. He is here to check the actions of the other two branches when they stray from the beaten path. How dare he try to put the onus on me for his decision? By putting that moronic statement in his decision, he has essentially created precedent that politicians may do anything they like once the people have elected them. Justice Roberts wins the “Jack Wagon of the Year” award.
With that said, please let me say something here. All of you people out there slamming Roberts for his decision simply because he was appointed by a Republican need to give it a rest. The fact of the matter is that he should be above making decisions based on politics. If in his heart, mind, and soul he felt he was making the right decision then that was the decision he should have made. He owes it to us to make his decisions based on the rule of law… not on the party of the president who gave him the job. How many of you get angry when you think a liberal justice voted a certain way because of their politics? If that irritates you then don’t demand that conservative judges do the same thing. That’s not to say he didn’t get it wrong. He did.
Or did he?
I don’t think the Chief Justice planned this, but this is how I see it. He has given us a gift. Had he voted to overturn the law, Americans would have cheered and gone back to watching TV, and the liberals would have gone straight back to work to replace the bill. Instead, he has given us a wake-up call. He has brought to the forefront a responsibility and a blessing that we as Americans inherently have. We now get to show the political machine who is in charge of this nation. We can make it abundantly clear that not only do we not want the government making these types of decisions for us, but we will not tolerate politicians who try to make and impose these decisions on our behalf.
For years, decades, and longer, our society has become more and more detached from politics. And for years, decades, and longer, politicians have capitalized on our lack of involvement and our steadily growing ignorance of the political world. Getting off the couch every four years to go get your free “I Voted” sticker is not political activism… and half of you don’t even do that much. It is your prerogative to do nothing, yet most you have opinions (mostly negative) about the goings on in our state and national capitols. So, what to do?
The Constitution starts with the words “We the People.” Those words are large. Large enough to be seen at a distance where the rest of the document is nothing more than a blur. That’s because those words are the most important. “We the People,” are the government. We must stop allowing those who are lucky enough to be chosen to represent us to fail to do so. We must hold them accountable. When they fail to serve your will, it is your responsibility to see to it that they are replaced. We must get off our couches and into the town hall meetings. We must knock on doors. We must man phone banks. We must contribute to those we choose to vote for, not just with money, but with time, energy, and ideas. Moreover, if they fail, then we must do it again... to replace them.
We must get active if we are to regain this country. That is how the Democrats function. They are active. They are vocal. And guess what… they are winning. It is time for conservatives to stand up. Yesterday’s court ruling can be the impetus for a conservative uprising. It can be…
Polls show how Americans feels about the Affordable Care Act. More do not want it than do, but the ones that do are loud. We must be louder. Unless Americans wake up and begin the process of retaking our country from the nanny state ruling class, nothing good will come from yesterday’s decision. The only way to get rid of Obamacare now is take the House, Senate, and Whitehouse in November.
This is it.
Last chance.
Are you in?
your right on the money brother.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your whys and understand them. Everyone is allowed their own opinions on such and that is why we took our turn standing the watch, to protect that right whether we liked it or not. I just don't understand why you vehemently can't stand the Affordable Care Act. It actually will make healthcare better in both an economic and moral standard. It finally owns up to what women need, as we have slandered away their rights and privileges since we left our hunter and gathering era. It is flawed yes, but what isn't? I could list the ways that argue each side, but that would be lame, I know you know and that you know I know.
ReplyDeleteWhat I truly can't stand, and what this "obamacare" has brought forth into the light, is the treasonous lengths that a party will go to destroy our Country. I am a complete independent, yes I slant left on A and slant right on B, but the pure fact that the current administration and the opposite side of the party take to destroy each others steps is soooo counter productive to why we voted them in that all should be put in jail. Corporations have taken over and lead parts of both sides into a civil war that does not stand up for our rights.
At least with "obamacare" we are getting one step closer to making some form of actual life for our children's children. Healthcare is a joke, Insurance is a bigger joke, and economically they vie with a supply-side propensity* that is completely flawed. Our Country is broke. And each side blames the other while all we should be doing is blaming ourselves for not doing what our forefathers gave us the power to do. Vote ALL of them OuT. The parties are broke and it is high time to move beyond them.
I was born on the 4th of July, I am an Eagle Scout, I served my Country just like my father and his father and his father before him. I am an embodiment of Patriotism. But, the simple fact that my fellow Americans don't understand and cannot stand what the Affordable Healthcare Act is trying to do, drives me crazy.
My goal in life was to serve my Country. Get an econ degree and then take the next step and help give the people their voice. I am continually depressed by statements made by the party that ended the civil war. I am continually depressed by how religion uses peoples votes. I am disgraced by the way my fellow Americans believe what the Corporations want them too. I am not depressed by the "obamacare" because I believe every American should have healthcare and the option to live.
Just my opinion as a devote American.
*The forefathers of economic policy and thought created a flawed supply-driven economy, they later wrote books on their theories showing that they were in fact not correct. Demand drives everything. Right now, there is absolutely a demand for more affordable healthcare. It will as long as we are an independent nation.