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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Scott Rigell regularly sends out poll questions which he calls “Seeking ‘The Wisdom of the District.’” I have decided that this might be a good way to shine the light on some of the issues being looked at in DC. Here is this week’s question, as well as my reply to Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-2).

Currently, the Constitution allows for unlimited terms for Representatives in the House and for Senators. I personally believe that term limits would benefit the country (and have pledged to serve no more than six terms, or 12 years, if I had the privilege to do so), but there is a robust debate on the merits of Congressional term limits. What do you think? Should there be a constitutional amendment to term limit all House Members?

( ) Yes. Term limits are the best way to end ‘careerism’ public service. People in Washington should ‘serve and go home.’

( ) Yes, term limits sound like a good idea, but the limit should span several decades so Members can get real work accomplished.

( ) No, I don’t believe term limits are a good idea, but I do support extending the terms of Representatives from 2 year to 4 year terms in order to decrease continuous campaigning.

( ) No. Term limits are unconstitutional and the voters should be left to decide when a Member’s career is over.

( ) No. We need experienced, qualified legislators in Congress who know the issues and know the process. Term limiting Members would prevent skilled legislators from helping the country.

() I have another answer.

I agree that term limits could end careerism. “Politician” is not a profession but a role for which one volunteers, but I also feel that Congressional term limits are unconstitutional… on the federal level. Presidential term limits must come from the federal government. However, I believe that if term limits are going to be imposed upon state representation that decision must come from the state. Term limits, like healthcare and education, should be a state issue. For the federal government to say that Scott Rigell can only serve 12 years would be yet another overreach of its power. That decision should come from you, the state, and the people you represent.

If you live in VA-2, you should drop Scott a line and let him know how YOU feel. Here is the link to the above survey question.

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