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Saturday, May 1, 2010


I have personal ties to this subject, yet I have to stay objective.  That’s what I expect from our politicians (and yes, I go to bed disappointed regularly).

Depending on the source, estimates on the number of immigrants illegally living in the United States range from 10 to 20 million.  For the sake of argument I am going to use the average (15 million).  I know it’s not accurate, but that’s because no one, including our government, knows for certain.   Therein lays the first problem.  We don’t know for certain.  Our borders are so unsecure that people pass freely (in AND out) carrying whatever they want with them including weapons and drugs.  Keep in mind this is NOT a Mexican issue, or a drug issue, or a terrorism issue… this is a security issue.  Our borders are porous and that should concern Americans.