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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Senate Amendment 1465, designed to temporarily extend payroll tax cuts for two months, passed the Senate on December 17th.  The House does not plan to pass this amendment (nor do they plan to reject it).  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said the following on MSLSD last night… “I mean, logic would tell you a bill passing the Senate 89 to 10 would be able to pass the House."  Really?  Well, I guess I can take a few minutes to explain Congress to you, Debbie.  I am after all almost done with my associate’s degree.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I finally discovered the most basic difference between liberals and conservatives!  As many of you know, in October of 2010 scientists discovered the “Liberal Gene.”  I think I have actually determined the effect of this gene, dopamine receptor DRD4.  Are you ready?  Here it is!  Conservatives learn HOW to think, while liberals simply learn WHAT to think.  That’s it!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Have you heard about SOPA? It’s the Stop Online Piracy Act.  Well, it might as well be the Stop Online Privacy Act.  Under the guise of protecting American business from media pirates, counterfeiters, and other such illegal internet activity, the government is preparing to fundamentally change the face of the internet.  Assuming of course they don’t effectively destroy it altogether.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I tried to express this in college recently, but was shouted down by my “open-minded” liberal classmates.   I know, it’s hard to believe, but they would not let me express my concerns.  Instead, their collective viewpoint was roared at me from red faces that refused to acknowledge my opinion, much less my right to speak it.  I waited for the commotion to die down, doing my best to try to absorb what the eight or so different voices were saying.  I then tried again to state my views on the matter and was again silenced by the bellowing and screeching of the mob.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It’s December, what better time to have a little talk about religion?  I speak now to that small but growing group known as atheists.  Not all atheists, mind you.  Just you angry atheists who protest anything and everything religious.  You know how you don’t like it when “bible thumpers” try to tell you about their religion?  Well, some of us don’t like it when you try to tell us about yours.  Before we get too far, yes, atheism IS a religion.  If belief in a God (monotheism) is a religion, and belief of many gods (polytheism) is a religion, it would stand to reason that belief in no God (atheism) falls into the realm of religion as well.