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Sunday, December 18, 2011


I finally discovered the most basic difference between liberals and conservatives!  As many of you know, in October of 2010 scientists discovered the “Liberal Gene.”  I think I have actually determined the effect of this gene, dopamine receptor DRD4.  Are you ready?  Here it is!  Conservatives learn HOW to think, while liberals simply learn WHAT to think.  That’s it!

A liberal "synching up" to
Rachel Maddow.
Sadly, once programmed, the deprogramming of liberals appears extremely difficult and somewhat random.  I’m not sure what caused the return of normal brain function in the lucky few who have come back to reality.  Perhaps exposure to a strong magnetic field or just being away from "institutions of learning" for a long enough period.  It does appear that access to MSLSD… I mean MSDNC… dang it, I mean MSNBC severely reduces the likelihood of recovery.

PBS: All your babies are
belong to us.
(Geeks will get this...)
Look, I’m not saying liberals are always wrong.  I’m saying they think conservatives are always wrong.  I implore all of my right-minded peers to be patient with them.  Remember as they call you “moron” because you have not forfeited your ability to reason as they have, that they were once like you.  Remember as they tell you they hate you, and they tell you that you hate them (yeah, they’ll do that), that they have a defective gene and are the exploited victims of their party’s mind-control via PBS, NPR, and the MSM.  Let’s just pray that science can find a cure for the liberal gene or, at a minimum, that it's recessive.

And for all of you liberals who are steaming mad right now… especially the ones who like Andy Borowitz and Bill Maher… your anger is proof that you are incapable of recognizing any viewpoint but your own.  This was a joke. Well, all except the “Liberal Gene” part… that’s true.  In the words of Lady Gaga, you were born this way.

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