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Friday, November 18, 2011


I think OWS's initial intent was a good idea… Occupy Wall Street that is.  Somewhere along the way however, things went horribly awry, and OWS turned into an Obnoxious, Whiny Subculture.  Things only got worse from there…

If you support OWS, you support
this behavior... like it or not.
First, these folks had the audacity to claim to be the 99%.  That was One Wild Statement.  Granted, that was more than likely just a catch-phrase intended to convey an idea rather than reality.  But let me ask you something, if 10,000 people descended on a building claiming that 99% of Americans (including you) wanted to let all of the prisoners off of death row, make home schooling illegal, and lower age of consent to 16 would you have a problem with those people speaking for you?  How about if they wanted to ban private gun ownership?  Or force every American to join a union?  Would that be okay with you?  Because guess what folks… these are just SOME of the things that the Obtuse Weenie Settlements around the country are demanding.

You were told to leave and your
response was to take a swipe at a
cop... what did you expect?
They want to increase government borrowing, decrease taxes (only for themselves of course), and forgive everyone’s debt.  You see OWS has become less about Wall Street and more about Our Welfare State… not the problems with it, but the promotion OF it!   In the mean time, they got angry that the homeless were eating the OWS's free food.  What these jackwagons do not seem to realize is that they are protesting against the Obviously Wrong Scapegoat.  The government is the problem, not businesses big or small.  Government regulation is hindering growth.  Instead of Opining Washington’s Suspension of these policies, they are telling Washington to Order Wealth Seizure of the people who create jobs.  This demand, in and of itself, is currently suppressing job creation… idiots.

If I were a witch doctor, your colon
would explode riiight... now!
Anyway, the movement, that I feel had legitimacy in its infancy, was Overtaken While Sleeping.  In the wee hours of darkness,  Orwellians, Whackos, and Sleezeballs infiltrated their little camps.   Every greedy turd in the country bought a poster board and made a sign Openly Wanting Something, essentially becoming Obliviously Willing Stooges acting as pawns for those who Ostensibly Wish for Socialism.   In the meantime, Outlet Windows Shattered and Onlookers Watched Simpletons defecate on police vehicles.  Then came the Offenses to Women Sexually and of course Occupiers Were Shot (by each other).

She called OWS "Focused"!
Hahahahaha!  Ditz!
Perhaps instead of Occupying Wall Street you should sit down (at home this time) and Observe Within Self.  Decide what it is you want, come up with a plan and Organize a Working Strategy to EARN it (feel free to give all of your earnings to whomever you wish).

So what does OWS stand for?  It’s hard to say, but do me a favor and leave us Ordinary Working Stiffs out of it…

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  1. Excellent (and entertaining) discourse from One Woman's Son...

  2. Well said. I wish people could read and learn with an open mind, and then turn from their idiocy. But obviously that will never happen...ha! We still have "church" members protesting burials of the ones who are protecting there right to free speech! What ironic idiots!

  3. Is there a grammatical term for acronym alliteration? If not, you need to name it to leave your mark on the world! Or in other terms: Outstanding Word Smithing!

  4. The OWS movement is just another commie movement. This one just happens to have been dream up by Van Jones with the approval of Obamugabe.

    Think brown shirts, just useful idiots.
