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Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I guess I'll start by ensuring all of you know of whom I speak.  I refer to Patrick Cox's organization called Tax Masters whose motto is, "We solve your tax problems." Before I go on, you must watch the most recent commercial if you haven't already (this may take a moment to load)...

Hopefully you caught all of that. So let's break it down a little...

"Are you being audited?
Have you not filed tax returns for years?"

Um, if you answer yes to the second question then SHAME ON YOU!! A plague upon your house! (A bad paraphrase, but I like it.) You wanna take a wild shot in the dark as to WHY you're being audited? The audit is because you haven't filed, which is, what do they call it? Oh yeah, AGAINST THE LAW! If, on the other hand, you are the unfortunate recipient of a random audit then you probably don't really have anything to worry about and can save your money rather than lining this bozo's pockets.

"Has the IRS come to your home
or place of business?
The IRS will relentlessly pursue you
for unpaid taxes."

OK, flip the script here. Let's say you're entitled to a tax return and the IRS doesn't send you YOUR money... Do you a) sit at home with your fingers crossed, fervently hoping that someday they'll remember, or b) relentlessly pursue them (even at their place of business) for the unpaid refund? Go ahead and think about your answer, I can wait...

"We'll get between you and the IRS.
We'll make sure they treat you fairly and treat you with respect."

Treat you fairly... if you're not paying taxes then pursuing you is fair. If you're actively evading them, then relentlessly pursuing is even more fair. I can not grasp the concept of "protecting" people from their obligations. More confusing is why someone would pay one entity to avoid paying another. But the greatest enigma is this...

This commercial tells you that they exist to help you skirt the law, if not bend or outright break it. So riddle me this Batman... why on Earth would you trust them? Especially with your money!? As I did my research for this post I was not at all surprised to find dozens of sites that warned of this company's less than reputable practices. Class action lawsuits, BBB grades of F, and withdrawals being made from customer accounts without permission were all reported numerous times. But for Pete's sake America, what do you expect!? Let me paraphrase the commercial for you...

"Are you tired of following the rules?
We'll help you get away with breaking them."

Still want to hire them, give them your social security number and bank account info, and trust them with your name and finances? If so, and you decide not to pay them, I promise you this... they WILL come to your home AND place of business and they WILL relentlessly pursue you for unpaid balances, and I seriously doubt they'll treat you with respect while they do it.

Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society."

Taxes, like government, are a necessary evil. Do I like taxes? Hell no. But they are the law, and SOME of that money goes towards things we need... like the police and fire department, clean water, a powerful military, public schools, and the occasional well paved road. Yeah, nearly all of them are paved, but well paved?

I am all about lowering government spending and reducing taxes, but until that happens we are responsible to pay them. If you don't like taxes then do something about it. Take a stance, speak your voice, rally your friends and neighbors. BE HEARD! Tell the government to stop spending our money at a breakneck pace on stimulus plans that don't stimulate (other than my blood pressure) and cost saving measures that will triple the deficit in 10 years. Because, until they stop the taxman cometh, and it's your duty as an American to pay him... not Patrick Cox.

Like Arthur Godfrey said, "I am proud to be paying taxes in the United States." Amen. There is no greater place on Earth. He went on to say, "The only thing is I could be just as proud for half of the money." Amen again.

And to tie taxes in with health care reform...

There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.- Robert A. Heinlein

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