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Saturday, April 24, 2010


Just couple videos this time, cause videos are more fun than reading ;)

First a commercial many of you have probably already seen.

Wow! That's great news! Five years ahead of schedule!! Let's see what other good news Jumbo Shrimp has!

Wait a minute... so GM was going to fail without the taxpayers' money that "we" gave them, yet they sat on half of it for a year and then used it to pay back the other half!? We're supposed to be happy with this? This pisses me off on a few levels...

1) Clearly Washington had a knee-jerk reaction and threw way too much money at this problem. How many other companies got more than they needed? Remember, this one instance was BILLIONS more than GM needed.

2) GM just sat on it! They just let billions of dollars stagnate during a recession. If it was their money that would be one thing, but that is OUR money!!

3) The Vice President got up in font of the country and mislead us so we'd believe that GM was really paying us back. He knows what's really going on. How do I know that? Because Neil Barofsky (the gentlemen being interviewed in the second video) told all of this to the Senate Finance Committee (which prompted this letter from Sen. Grassley to the Treasury Secretary) the day before GM broke the news.

Another case of political and corporate smoke and mirrors.  Trickery and deceit to make us think things are better than they are, and that the bailout was a good idea.

Shame on GM, shame on Joe Biden, and shame on our government for not being more careful with our money.

The truth will set you free, but only if it comes from you.
If I have to dig for it you're in deep %@!$.
-Jumbo Shrimp
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