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Monday, April 5, 2010


The President signed into law a bill on Tuesday, 23 March 2010.  Here is my question: Why did he leave for Iowa two days later to sell it to the American people? Shouldn't that have been done first?

Obama promised (on many occassions) to have open negotiations on Health care reform.  It was to be televised on C-SPAN.  The American people were going to be allowed to watch the process.  Here is my question: Why did he renege on this?  What was happening that he didn't want us to see?

OK, they did have one televised conference.  One where the President scolded a Republican Senator for "campaigning" (though I felt the statement the Senator was making was 100% relevant to the conversation).  Here is my question: What does Obama call that little trip of his to Iowa?  I know what I call filling a venue with supporters for the cameras.  Campaigning, Mr. President, you were campaigning (again).

Some Liberals are accusing the Republican party of obstructionism.  They claim that Conservatives were only trying to delay the process by introducing legislation to the bill only to vote against it.  Here is my question: Could it be that the Republicans saw that the Democrats were going to ram this thing through come Hell or high water, and as a back up measure introduced legislation that would mitigate some of the damage?  Damage control if you will?

This is a serious question here... someone help me out.  I know both parties do this so this is NOT a shot at Democrats.  The President proposes legislation.  The House and the Senate vote on it.  Pretty cut and dry.  But I was thinking.  The Constitution splits our government into three branches to maintain a system of checks and balances.  Here is my question: Why is the Executive Branch leaning heavily on the Legislative Branch to pass a bill that the Executive Branch initiated?  I think the American people would have some heartburn with the President trying to coerce the Supreme Court to rule a certain way, so why do we allow him to bring pressure to bear on Senators and Representatives?

Finally, from the President's State of the Union Address, "For every success story, there are other stories, of men and women who wake up with the anguish of not knowing where their next paycheck will come from, who send out resumes week after week and hear nothing in response. That is why jobs must be our number-one focus in 2010, and that's why I'm calling for a new jobs bill tonight."  Here is my question: Why didn't you put an Easter deadline on our "number-one focus", Mr. President?  Granted, a bill was passed in March (everyone knew that right), but it's an impotent measure that is significant in name only.  So my second question on this topic is: Why didn't our "number-one focus" receive more, or even as much, focus as HCR?

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